Many credit card companies will cover insurance requirements if you use their credit card to rent the car. However, your son should have checked with his credit card carrier before he left. Once he gets to the counter in the U.S. it will not be practical to check. And since he's already left Ireland (since today is Sunday 11/18) that probably won't be helpful information for your son. However, manybe someone else reading this will be helped by this information.
Once your son is here he'll be pressured to sign up for every bit of insurance he can buy, whether he needs it or not. Rental car companies make tons of money this way.What insurance is needed for rental car in California?
He needs at least liability insurance to get a rental car. More is always preferred, but I think thats the minimum.
When I drove in California it was included in the hire charges
Anyone renting a car in the US from overseas will be able to purchase all the insurance he needs through the car rental company, liability and collision. He'll be completely covered if he asks for total insurance coverage.
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