well my sister got in a car accident,
and now she needs to rent a car to get around, so far she has rented two cars; both have foreign plates, one from Illinois and one from South Dakota and all the ones in the lot have different plates from different states and none from the state we live in, why is that? Why do rental cars have foreign plates?
Illinois and SOuth Dakota plates are FOREIGN?
LIke heck they are!
The answer is; because thay are!...what's wrong w/ renting a car with a different state plate than the one you live in?...it's a part of life at most national car-rental agencies...Why do rental cars have foreign plates?
What it would mean is that the car rental company has vehicles that have been returned from one way rentals from different states. If they don't want to spend the money to have one of their employees drive it back to the originating state and then fly them back, they will continue to rent the vehicles until someone wants to rent them to go one way back to the state they're from..
For more car rental tips, visit http://www.best-car-rental-tips.com
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